Bolshy Boudica: Top 10!

Lorna Watson did an absolutely great job as a fierce Celtic Queen! There were also some great Cut-Throat Celt and Rotten Roman sketches in there, and a lot was learnt! But don’t just take our word for it, take our pictures: the top 10!

And if you want more pictures, see our episode page for loads more information.

It wasn’t just the Celts that could be cruel though, so could the Romans. And as Mr. H said, the worst thing in the Ancient world is crazy fools with lots of power-and that’s exactly what they got!

What do you think? Use your knowledge from previous episodes to help decide.

Sadly the Series is coming to a close with only six episodes left: Churchill, Cromwell, Victoria, Savage Songs, Ruthless/Rotten Rulers and Wicked World. At the end of August the series will close with the grand Series finale. We don’t know that much about ‘Series 6 Episode 15: Wicked World‘, but we can only assume it will tell some of the most terrible tales from our wicked world, possibly based on the 12 characters we’ve mainly looked at this series. And we can assume and hope they’ve got a brilliant series finale song! Let’s just hope it’s not the Horrible Histories TV show finale song, meaning this will be the last Series.

Wily Winston Churchill’s got a brilliant new song, parody of My Way by Frank Sinatra. Victoria’s Queen of India Song will be a parody of lot’s of Bollywood songs.